How To Teach To Lose A Child?

When children begin to interact with society, they encounter activities where the only options are to win or lose. And it is inevitable that at some point they lose. You must teach how to lose your child so that this does not become a problem.

Parents often do not know what to do when this occurs and are concerned about the emotions their little one may feel for having lost. Because of this, it is very important to teach how to lose your child so that when it happens you do not worry or feel frustrated.

On the other hand, adults are also prone to not knowing how to lose, and perhaps one of the reasons is because when they were little they did not learn what to do when they were not winning. Therefore, before teaching children to lose, we must identify whether as parents we accept losing.

Some recommendations to teach how to lose

That’s life, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose; or you learn, as the saying goes. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are events that are beyond our control, and we cannot always win.

The key to adjusting to our social environment is knowing how to adapt. No one likes to lose. However, certain reactions that involve very little tolerance for frustration are frowned upon and regarded. Overreactions are frowned upon by everyone.

Play with the child

In addition to sharing time with the family, you can use games to teach him to lose. However, it is good for the child to have a balance and experience what it feels like to win and lose. For this reason, if you consider that the game is very difficult for your little one, you can let him win sometimes.

Play with the children.

Educate him by being a good role model

Children imitate their parents’ behavior because they spend the most time with them. Therefore, it is important that when they do competitive activities they have a positive attitude whether they win or lose.

They must also be instilled in the value of respect for people who lose. So when the child loses, they will not be ashamed for not having won and negative behavior on the part of the child towards the other players will be avoided.

Show him that the goal is to enjoy the game

To teach them that the goal is to enjoy while playing, you can laugh when you make a mistake or lose. You can also emphasize how much fun it is to hang out together. In this way the child will learn to value the moment of fun and not worry about who was the winner.

Let him express his frustration at losing

One of the ways to teach losing is through experience. Every time your child loses in a game, you should let him express his feelings. This way you will understand what he feels and you will be able to advise him in the best way. And little by little you will learn to identify and control your emotions.

Angry girl.

Be understanding

You must understand that all the emotions your child feels about having lost are normal and, sometimes, anger is inevitable. Because of this, you shouldn’t be upset with your son if he acts badly by not winning. Wait a few minutes for the annoyance to subside and explain why they shouldn’t react that way.

Teach him to be persistent

It is essential to explain to him that he should not give up simply because he has lost. You also have to motivate him to keep working to try it at the next opportunity. And that the only way to be successful in anything is to be persistent and determined.

Benefits of losing

Family playing together.

Losing not everything is negative, on the contrary, thanks to this there are great learnings that will help the child to be stronger. Some of the benefits of losing are: 

  • Feeling supported by the love and understanding of their parents increases their self-esteem and motivation to move forward.
  • Strengthen your personal development by learning to make decisions and resolve conflicts.
  • Learn to value the moments, leaving aside the competition.
  • Thanks to the above, you can improve your interaction with society since you can participate in activities where the most important thing is to share and have fun with others.
  • He improves communication with his parents as he feels supported.
  • The child learns to assume a positive attitude to any failure.

Failures are sometimes unavoidable, but misbehaviors due to defeat can be avoided. It is important to remember that the parents’ attitude to these situations is essential for the child to know how to act in the future.

Do not stop teaching how to lose your child through games and stories.  In this way you will understand that all people at some point in their lives lose, but that the most important thing is to get up and keep trying until you are successful.

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