7 Medicinal Plants That Help Relieve Stress

The best way to combat stress is by adopting habits of mental hygiene. However, for those moments when nervousness takes hold of you, nothing better than going to one of the medicinal plants with calming effects.

Stress has become one of the great contemporary evils. In reality, we all go through stressful situations from time to time. It is the way the brain and body respond to an internal or external demand. So, in principle, it is a state that is part of the normal and expected functioning of the body.

The problem comes when stress is felt too frequently or for long and continuous periods. When this happens, a whole series of alterations take place in both the body  and the mind. These can become so serious that they reduce the quality of life.

One of the great risks that stress entails has to do with its consequences in the medium and long term. It becomes a factor that encourages and intensifies other mental and physical pathologies . Many of the most common illnesses are caused by ongoing stress.

The complex pathways of stress

Stress becomes a chronic problem basically in two cases. The first, when the stressful stimulus persists, as well as the exposure to it. The second occurs when the stimulus is so strong that the stress remains even when the trigger has disappeared.

Consequently, the organism tends to undergo various changes. He has to prepare for the defense and focus on it. To achieve this, it simultaneously depresses the functioning of the immune system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, and the sleep mechanisms.

Over time, a series of effects on physical and mental health begin to be seen. The response to this ongoing stress is different for each person. However, it usually results in digestive problems, frequent migraines, insomnia, irritability, and infectious problems.

Stress can be prevented by maintaining good mental hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Also, if you realize that you are very stressed, you can go to some medicinal plants that will surely help you relieve the stress you experience. These are some of them.

1. Melissa or lemon balm, a plant against stress

Infusion of lemon balm to relieve stress

Melissa, also called lemon balm, is one of the most widely used medicinal plants to relieve stress. It is very suitable for those times when you feel very restless or nervous.

This is because it has the property of relaxing the heart muscle, thus restoring the normal rhythm of the heart. It can be taken as an infusion, two or three times a day.

2. St. John’s Wort

The Mexican Academy of Neurology published a study showing that St. John’s wort is suitable for relieving stress, anxiety and nervousness.

It seems that it has 12 biologically active components that help calm. The most important of them is hyperforin, a sedative substance.

3. Valerian, a classic for stress

Valerian is one of the most popular medicinal plants. It is used to treat states of nervousness and, in particular, insomnia. This plant helps to decrease brain activity, as well as to slow down the heart rate.

It is very important to note that this plant should not be combined with the ingestion of antidepressants or anxiolytics, as it could be dangerous. It is also not recommended to consume it for more than two continuous weeks.

4. Ginseng, a natural anxiolytic

There are several species of ginseng and each of them has different properties. American ginseng is the most suitable to combat stress, since Asian ginseng has stimulating effects that are more suitable for depressive states.

This wonderful herb is considered an “adaptogen”, meaning a substance that helps the mind withstand pressure. It also has positive effects on intellectual abilities.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile tea and flowers

Chamomile is one of those plants that can be considered a traveling pharmacy. It has multiple beneficial effects on health. One of them is its sedative effect.

It is highly recommended to take it as an infusion, hopefully accompanied by apples or ginger. It is also advisable to take a bath with chamomile water to relax your muscles.

6. Linden or linden, another of the popular plants

Linden is a medicinal plant used since time immemorial to calm the nerves. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system and is also ideal for fighting insomnia.

Linden is also very appropriate to treat problems derived from nervousness, such as indigestion and headaches. It can be taken as an infusion, as a herbal tea, or make an immersion bath in water with this herb.

7. Other herbs against stress

There are other medicinal herbs that are effective in relieving stress. For example, the Gingko Biloba, a plant that became famous because it was the only one that survived the atomic bomb in Hiroshima unscathed.

Lavender, meanwhile, is used to treat all kinds of nervous problems. Meanwhile, the Herb Luisa is very advisable for insomnia; rosemary, hops, and maca are great sedatives.

Are you going through a stress crisis? Remember that its good management is key to avoid affecting well-being. Therefore, try to improve your habits and try these natural remedies.

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