2 Diets That Speed Up Your Metabolism And Help You Lose Weight

If we want to speed up the metabolism, in addition to adopting a low-fat diet, it is also important to do physical activity on a regular basis. With this combination, we will be able to optimize the results.

One of the goals of healthy eating plans is to stimulate the metabolism to lose weight more easily. This group of processes is responsible for transforming nutrients into energy sources and, in this way, guarantees the proper functioning of the body.

The rate at which the metabolism works varies in each person depending on their age, genetics and lifestyle. While some have no difficulty, others must find solutions to try to speed it up and prevent it from negatively interfering with weight and health.

Luckily, as research published in the International Journal of Obesity points out , making some dietary adjustments can help build that boost to aid weight loss. Even in the medium and long term it contributes to well-being.

Looking to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? On this occasion, we have compiled two diet models that can be taken into account weekly as examples for the diet.

However, you should bear in mind that your needs may vary according to your current weight, age, gender, and health. Therefore, if you have any doubts, consult your nutritionist.

Low fat diet to speed up your metabolism

Low fat diets.

The reduced consumption of fats is one of the keys to combat being overweight. Although it is not advisable to eliminate all sources of fat from the diet, its reduced intake has many benefits when losing weight.

The great advantage of this type of diet is that the amount of calories ingested is significantly reduced. Thus, in conjunction with exercise, there are more facilities to eliminate the extra kilos.


  • Three almonds, a glass of orange juice (200 ml) and a slice of whole wheat bread.
  • A slice of whole wheat bread with fresh tomato, a cup of infusion (250 ml) and a boiled egg.
  • A bowl of fresh chopped fruit and a glass of oatmeal in skim or vegetable milk (200 ml).


  • A slice of whole wheat bread with ham or turkey.
  • A smoothie of red fruits or green vegetables.
  • A serving of dietary gelatin (125 g).

Yogurt with fruit for mid-morning.


  • A bowl of vegetable soup or consommé, a serving of chicken or fish (100 g) and steamed vegetables.
  • A fresh lettuce and tomato salad, a portion of breast (150 g) and an apple or pear.
  • A green salad, a small portion of brown rice (50 g) and baked hake.

Mid afternoon

  • A green vegetable smoothie with chia seeds.
  • A whole wheat toast with natural avocado sauce and an infusion.
  • A glass of vegetable milk (200 ml) with whole wheat bread and a slice of turkey.


  • One-egg omelette with lettuce and tomato salad.
  • Baked vegetables and a portion of roasted breast (150 g).
  • A bowl of vegetable cream.

Healthy diet to stimulate metabolism and lose weight

This eating plan can be done once a month to “boost” your metabolism when you have difficulty losing weight. Due to its characteristics, it should not be prolonged for longer than recommended and always, as with any diet, it must be supported by the opinion of a professional.

Healthy salad.  to speed up metabolism and lose weight


  • A bowl of chopped melon, a hard-boiled egg, and a slice of whole wheat bread.
  • A cup of infusion (250 ml) and a sandwich of whole wheat bread and fresh tomato.
  • A glass of green smoothie (200 ml) and two slices of whole wheat bread with olive oil.


  • A glass of oatmeal cooked with vegetable milk (200 ml) and a handful of nuts (30 g).
  • An omelette with chopped avocado.
  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml).


  • A green salad and a portion of roasted breast (150 g).
  • A plate of tuna salad with avocado.
  • A portion of grilled salmon (100 g) and mixed salad.

Mid afternoon

  • Carrot and celery sticks.
  • A serving of nuts with a tablespoon of honey (30 g).
  • A glass of parsley and green apple smoothie (200 ml).


  • A glass of pineapple juice (200 ml) and a portion of baked breast (100 g).
  • A bowl of fat-free vegetable soup.
  • A portion of salmon with lemon (150 g) and a fresh salad.

Final recommendations

To keep the metabolism running at a good pace, it is essential to improve the diet in all aspects. It is not enough to keep it one or two weeks; a balanced diet should be adopted permanently.

Also, the effects of diet are more noticeable when combined with regular physical exercise. Therefore, if the goal is to lose weight, it is convenient to adopt a training plan that combines cardiovascular and strength activity.

Finally, it is advisable to eat between five and six meals a day, in a quiet environment. Eating with distractions could increase feelings of anxiety in the hours after main meals, as explained in a post in Frontiers in Psychology .


Food plays an important role in stimulating the metabolism to lose weight. However, instead of choosing strict diets, we can resort to healthy eating plans, which ensure an optimal supply of nutrients.

The two diets given serve as an example of a healthy eating plan. However, it is best to always consult the nutritionist to obtain personalized plans, according to our needs.

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