10 Ways To Prevent And Treat Allergy Symptoms

Taking medicines without a prescription can be counterproductive, as viruses can mutate and become resistant to them. In turn, these mutations increase allergic reactions.

Allergies appear when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, the venom of bees or the dander that pets have on their fur. They can also appear when certain foods are eaten that, for most people, do not cause any symptoms.

The immune system produces substances known as “antibodies.” When a person develops an allergy, the immune system produces these substances that try to identify the substance responsible for the allergy or allergen.

The severity of allergies varies from person to person and can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis. If the latter occurs, you should go immediately to the hospital.

While most allergies have no cure, treatments can help relieve symptoms. There are also measures to prevent them.

In this space we want to share 10 ways to prevent and treat allergy symptoms.

10 ways to prevent and treat allergy symptoms

1. Avoid contact with allergens

most common allergies

Of course, if you do not expose yourself to the substance that causes you allergy, it will not appear. Therefore, the first step you should take is to stay away from the sources of those substances that cause allergic reactions.

Check the food you eat well, keep pets out of the house and have a dust-free and airy environment in your home. Remember that prevention is your best option.

2. Take care of your immune system

The immune system also requires a series of care:

  • Follow a healthy diet, rich in foods that strengthen you such as fruits, green tea or fish, among many others.
  • Do physical exercise : it is recommended to do 30 minutes 3 days a week.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Control your stress level.

3. Avoid excess hygiene

According to different studies, the use of excessive hygiene in current civilized societies is the reason for the appearance of numerous allergies. Children who grow up in these populations tend to have immunity problems  due to the excessive cleanliness of the environments and little exposure to viruses and bacteria.

Take care of yourself but without excesses, remember that the overuse of antibacterial products similar to antibiotics can contribute to the appearance of more resistant strains of bacteria and prevent the normal development of the immune system.

4. Don’t abuse medications

Take medication when it is really necessary, as it has been proven that bacteria and viruses can mutate and become resistant to them. These mutations increase the allergic reactions of the body.

5. Beware of cosmetics

A significant number of epidemiological studies indicate an increase in allergic reactions worldwide. This is believed to be largely due to the notable increase in indoor allergens over those found 10 years ago in certain populations in developed countries, as well as increased sensitivity to antigens.

And it is true at home we have all kinds of creams, treatments, perfumes that contain substances that can harm us. Opt for natural cosmetics and you will avoid allergies.

6. Air cleaners with special filters

One solution to keep your home free of dust, mites, hair and pet dander is air cleaners. By coming equipped with special filters, they are able to purify the air in bedrooms and other spaces in the house.

7. Look for fresh air

Rapid industrialization has resulted in environmental disruption, increased pollution, and the emergence of new chemicals. As a result, there has been an increase in cases of allergy sufferers and the emergence of new, much more complex types of allergies.

For this reason, we recommend that you seek fresh air whenever you can : take a trip to the countryside, a climb or go to the beach. In short, give your body a break.

8. No closed places

There is a current trend to concentrate large numbers of people in closed places and also to increase the number of pets. The changes in the humidity and temperature conditions favorable for the development of the mites bring as a consequence the increased risks of suffering immediate or anaphylactic hypersensitivity.

9. Detoxify your body

The daily accumulation of toxic substances incorporated from the environment can make you hypersensitive and make you suffer allergic reactions more easily. Purify your body and you will feel lighter and healthier.

10. Allergy treatments

Allergy treatments consist of alleviating the symptoms, since there is no cure, today, that allows to eradicate this common problem that affects so many people.

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