Acai Berries: Benefits And Contraindications

Acai berries stand out for their high content of antioxidant compounds. Several scientific studies associate its consumption with health benefits. Do you want to know more about it?

Acai berries, also called “acai fruits”, come from the Euterpe oleracea  palm , cultivated in South America, specifically in the countries of the Amazon region, where they are a staple food. Its appearance is similar to that of a grape, with a bluish purple color, but with a yellow pulp that covers a large seed.

They are about 1 inch in size and have an earthy flavor that has been described as a combination of blackberry and dark chocolate. Since it is a perishable food, the pulp is usually exported frozen, as dry powder or juice. Are you interested in knowing more about its nutritional properties and benefits? Keep reading!

Nutritional properties of acai berries

Much of the health benefits of acai berries are attributed to their nutritional properties. In particular, and according to data compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of berries provide the following:

  • Calories: 70.
  • Fat: 5 grams.
  • Saturated fat: 1.5 grams.
  • Carbohydrates: 4 grams.
  • Sugar: 2 grams.
  • Fiber: 2 grams.
  • Vitamin A: 15% of the recommended daily values.
  • Calcium: 2% of the recommended daily values.

Meanwhile, information published in the Latin American Archives of Nutrition suggests that acai also concentrates other trace minerals such as chromium, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Added to this, it is a significant source of antiocyanins, which are not only responsible for its characteristic color, but for its antioxidant properties.

Acai berry cultivation in Brazil.

Acai berry benefits

Until a few years ago, acai berries were known as a “superfood” due to their nutritional composition. Since they provide more antioxidants than other fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries, it was claimed that they were curative. However, nutritionists and health experts made some clarifications in this regard.

While it is true that they are a nutritious food, there is not enough evidence to say that they can cure diseases. Adding them to the diet helps improve nutritional quality, but they do not replace medical treatments or the effects of maintaining a healthy and varied diet.

In other words, acai can have important health effects, as long as it is included in the framework of a balanced diet. And what are its main effects? We detail them below.

They help fight oxidative stress

One of the main properties of acai berries is its antioxidant activity. While blueberries have an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) score of 4669, 100 grams of frozen acai pulp has an ORAC of 15,405.

These effects are attributed to its concentration of anthocyanins which, once assimilated, help to counteract the effects of oxidative stress. In the medium and long term, this translates into a decreased risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer.

They help regulate cholesterol

Including these fruits in the regular diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In animal studies, one published in Nutrition Research , it was determined that supplementation with acai stabilizes cholesterol levels, and reducing total and LDL or bad .

Meanwhile, research in Nutrition Journal found that overweight adults who drank acai shakes twice a day for a month had more control of their lipid profile at the end of the study. Still, more evidence is suggested to corroborate these effects.

They help stimulate brain functions

The bioactive compounds in this food, especially its antioxidants, help protect the brain from the negative effects of aging. Research in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry details that acai berries mitigate damage from inflammation and oxidation of brain cells.

Therefore, it is said that they are ideal for protecting memory and improving learning processes. Anecdotal data also indicates that its juice and derivatives act as a natural energizer, which improves alertness.

Other possible benefits

In natural medicine, acai berries are used against various ailments and diseases. It is not a first-line treatment, but it seems to be helpful in reducing some symptoms.

Coinciding with a publication of the American corporation WebMD , there is insufficient evidence of the following:

  • Better athletic performance.
  • Control of blood glucose levels.
  • Decreased risk of metabolic syndrome.
  • Prevention of skin aging.
  • Control of erectile dysfunction.
  • Relief from osteoarthritis.

Contraindications of acai berries

The Mayo Clinic suggests that acai berries are safe for most healthy adults. Even so, it is recommended to avoid its consumption in case of pregnancy or lactation, since it is unknown what its effects are in these stages. On the other hand, there are no known side effects from the consumption of the fruit.

Some reports link the intake of raw acai juice with flare-ups of the disease known as “American trypanosomiasis” or “Chagas disease”, but there is no conclusive evidence.

Acai berry ice cream.

How to consume acai berries?

Acai berries and derived supplements are often found in health food stores. They are best consumed fresh, but they have a short shelf life. That is why they are usually found in the following presentations:

  • Frozen pulp. 
  • Tablets
  • Dust.
  • Food products (such as smoothies, jellies, or energy drinks).

The frozen pulp can be used to prepare homemade smoothies , for example, with milk or oatmeal. The powder, meanwhile, can be added to salads, ready-made smoothies, desserts, and many other recipes.

What should you remember about acai berries?

Despite the ideas that marketing has promoted about acai berries, this fruit is not curative or has super properties. Even so, it is valued for its nutritional composition, which undoubtedly improves the quality of the diet.

Its regular consumption is related to disease prevention and better mental concentration. It is safe for most people, but moderate intake is recommended. Keep that in mind!

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