Benefits Of Living In The Country

The benefits of living in the country go beyond just escaping pollution, rush, and noise. Are you curious? In that case, keep reading everything that we are going to tell you about in greater detail below.

In recent years, the tendency of young people to leave the towns to go to the big cities has been reversing or, at least, this exodus is no longer so massive. There are several reasons for this change, such as the economy, for example. However, there are many other factors to consider.

Although each case is different, in general terms, those who are attracted by the idea of ​​living a more leisurely and conscious life, in a more natural environment, agree that there are several benefits of living in the countryside.

Clean air, the greatest benefit of living in the country

One of the benefits of living in the countryside is that the air that you can breathe there is cleaner air. The reason is very simple: there are not so many vehicles around and, therefore, there is not so much pollution. Thanks to this, people living in the countryside have fewer respiratory problems.

In any city, there are thousands of cars everywhere and the streets are full at all hours. There is always movement. The tranquility is not so noticeable and for many, it can be very difficult to find.

woman breathing clean air.

By looking up at a traffic light and looking at the dirt on the windows, you can already get a rough idea of ​​the air quality in cities and crowded areas.

By 2050, outdoor particulate air pollution and ground-level ozone are projected to become the leading cause of environment-related deaths worldwide.

Tranquility, awareness and slow living 

Outside of the concrete jungles, in the absence of rushing and high levels of stress, you can have a greater connection with yourself and your surroundings. Therefore, another of the great benefits of living in the country is that you gain a lot in peace of mind. This can be summed up in a very fashionable concept lately: slow living.

Mental health, a great gift from the field

Additionally, it is said that another of the great benefits of living in the country is that more care is taken of mental health and disorders such as stress and anxiety are prevented. For this reason, many professionals from various areas (not only psychology) have decided to study this relationship on several occasions.

Some studies suggest that living in the city contributes to an increased risk of psychopathology. However, more research is needed, as many other aspects play a role in mental health.

Peaceful nights and a real restful sleep

Sleep in peace, without noise or lights coming through the window. In the city, the activity never stops, there is no moment of peace. In the field, at night we will sleep in total silence and this makes the sleep much more restful, resting more and better.

In addition, there is a difference in circandian rhythms between rural and urban populations in terms of exposure to natural light and sleep patterns. Due to working hours in agriculture, rural populations spend considerable time away from home, which is an obligation related to working hours.

Other benefits of living in the country

  • The diet will be much healthier, either because you decide to grow your own fruits and vegetables or because you buy them from people who grow them in the surroundings.
  • Open spaces, landscapes, etc. of rural areas invite you to practice exercise and sports outdoors, as well as sunbathe more regularly, something that is very beneficial for both physical and mental health.

We could go on to list many more advantages of life in the country, but perhaps these are the most noteworthy.

Friends running outdoors to clear negative thoughts.

Certain drawbacks …

It is also true that there are some drawbacks to living in the country. The remoteness of some services or amenities and the greater dependence on one’s own vehicle are some of them. However, surely the tranquility, peace and health that rural life brings you makes up for it.

Are you considering going to live in the country? In that case, take into account what we have told you so that, whatever you decide, you feel comfortable. Lucky!

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