Cleanse The Arteries Of Cholesterol With 5 Home Remedies

Although these remedies to cleanse the arteries of cholesterol help the process, we suggest that you introduce sports activity and other eating habits to prolong the improvement

They just told you that you have high cholesterol and you weren’t expecting it? Actually, if you think about it, it’s not that strange. Industrialized foods contain many substances that help to increase it. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health and help clean the arteries of cholesterol.

At the same time, our lifestyles are becoming more sedentary every day, so the body saves almost everything we consume.

In any case, if your levels are at the limit, you can solve it with home remedies. And, if they are very high, the medication will work better if you complement it with these proposals, always consulting your doctor.

If you go over 200 mg / dl, take it seriously. It is in your power to stay in a warning or in a serious problem. When it becomes a chronic disorder, the risks are very great. We are talking about the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular accidents, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis or coronary heart disease.

Therefore, it is desirable that you introduce significant changes in your lifestyle. In addition to a low-fat diet, you should start doing sports.

Since the goal is to maintain these routines over time, choose well what activity you undertake. Walking offers many advantages, but if you can’t or it bores you, you will end up quitting.

Therefore, the best alternative is always the one that you are not going to abandon. If no one in particular appeals to you, try different options and then decide.

Clearing the arteries of cholesterol

1. Oatmeal water

hair oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber and its use is highly recommended when it comes to this substance, since it envelops the cholesterol molecules to purify the arteries.


  • 1 cup of rolled oats (200 g)
  • 12 cups of water (3 liters)
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • Place the flakes in the blender glass, cover them with enough water and crush them.
  • In a large pot, add the rest of the water and add the flakes and heat.
  • When it comes to a boil, let it boil for another 5 minutes, then remove from the heat.
  • Add the cinnamon when it’s off the heat.
  • Strain the preparation before consuming it.

Consumption mode

  • If you want, you can keep it in the fridge and drink up to a liter throughout the day.

2. Cabbage water

Again, the key is, in addition to its high amount of fiber, in its component  S-methyl-L-cysteine ​​sulfoxide . It is as simple to prepare as the previous one. It is also known as “cabbage” or “cabbage”.


  • ½ cabbage
  • 12 cups of water (3 liters)


  • A glass bottle


  • Heat the water and add the half cabbage.
  • When it comes to a boil, allow it to cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, remove from heat, strain the liquid and store it in a bottle.
  • Store the bottle in the fridge to consume it cold.

Consumption mode

  • As in the previous case, you can ingest up to a liter daily.

3. Artichoke water



  • 8 cups of water (2 liters)
  • 2 artichokes


  • Heat the water to a boil.
  • Add the artichokes, previously washed, and let it infuse for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the contents and chill them in the fridge.

Consumption mode

In this case, we should drink the artichoke water throughout the day, but without exceeding a liter.

4. Cleanse the arteries of cholesterol with olive oil

Healthy fats sound familiar to you? And the omega 3? These are elements that limit bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

  • In the case of olive oil, it is better to take it raw, since, when heated, it loses its properties, since it decomposes.

The heat destroys its molecular order to the point that it transforms said fat into “poison” for our health.

  • Likewise, you can also include avocado or fish such as tuna, salmon in your diet.

5. Carrot and spinach juice

spinach juice to cleanse the arteries of cholesterol


  • 3 carrots
  • 2 spinach leaves


  • Chop the carrot into very small pieces
  • Chop the spinach leaves
  • Beat it all up. If it is too thick, add water until it reaches the right texture.

Consumption mode

  • Take this juice after every meal. In this way, the fiber in the vegetable will help cleanse the arteries of cholesterol more efficiently.

    Lowering cholesterol with these remedies will be easier, but don’t forget what we told you at the beginning.

    For these to be really effective, you must introduce changes and healthy habits in your life.

    To do this, be as realistic as possible. For example, if you decide to go for a run after years living a sedentary life, don’t set an hour a day as your goal. The process must be gradual.

    The same thing happens with food. You can’t stop eating a lot of meat overnight. Start by eliminating the ones with the most fat. Thus, little by little you will help to clean the arteries of cholesterol, lowering it , at the same time that your general health will improve.

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