Dare To Live The Life You Want To Tell

We are all the result of our own stories, of our triumphs and failures, of our living. We are the lessons learned from each experience and the attitude with which we write the book of our existence.

To dare to truly live the life we ​​want to tell, a little of these ingredients are required: courage, self-esteem, resilience, and a bit of wholesome madness. with which to face the fears that, from time to time, put walls to our dreams.

Wayne Dyer, a psychologist and self-help writer, left us an exceptional legacy when it comes to those strategies with which to rewrite our lives in happiness.

For him, one of the most decisive aspects to start shaping the existence that we really want to have is learning to make decisions. Without a doubt, something as complex as “terrifying” at times.

Today, in our space, we want to give you adequate strategies to achieve it. So that you can make braver decisions with which, day by day, draw a more hopeful horizon in your life.

To live is to risk responsibly

When was the last time you took a risk for something or someone? If you do not remember it, it is surely because you live a moment in it or you have everything or, simply, you have given up.

Believe it or not, we all give up in many ways, almost without realizing it:

  • We give up when we let ourselves be carried away by the decisions of others.
  • We also give up when, despite not being happy, we do not say: “better known bad than good to know.”  When we settle in grief and sadness for fear that what has to come will be even worse.
  • We give up when we choose to stop caring for ourselves. Also when we prioritize others and forget that, if we are not well, we will not be able to give the best of ourselves to those we love.

To live with integrity and happiness you have to take risks. Whether we like it or not, every day we have to make appropriate decisions with which to trace the path that we really want for ourselves.

The path that tomorrow we will tell someone as “something that was really worth living”.

Take note of these suggestions.


Worry immobilizes you: move

One of the main problems that we fail to live the life we ​​really want is because we store too many worries.

  • A concern has a purpose: to invite us to seek strategies to find a solution. If we stay still, little by little the problem will be bigger.
  • Get moving, dare to look for new options, experiment …

Trust that what you have in mind will work

We are all born with fear. They are a survival mechanism that allows us to better adapt to our contexts. Now, there are logical fears and limiting, meaningless fears. These fears are what manage to cut our quality of life.

  • Put aside the fears that others want to instill in you. Don’t pay attention to “you can’t, you don’t know.”
  • Trust your dreams and the assurance that whatever you have in mind, it can work. Put aside your worries and fears and just go for it.
  • If it goes wrong, at least you will have learned. However, if it goes well, you will have achieved something even more positive: discovering what you are capable of.

Dance with life

We are sure that you love to dance, that you love to let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of a melody to enjoy that wonderful moment that pleases you so much, that frees you so much.

Why don’t we do the same with our lives? In reality, nobody dances to get to a specific place.

We do it to enjoy the here and now, thus creating a magical moment where emotions and well-being allow us to be ourselves. We don’t need anything else to be happy.

  • If you want to live a story that you can tell your grandchildren, build your happiness in a simple way, letting yourself be carried away by the present moment.
  • Free yourself, listen to your heart and set the rhythm of that internal freedom that we do not always dare to express.

It doesn’t matter how far we go. It does not matter if we manage, for example, to have the house of our dreams or if we do not find the perfect partner.

What matters is “the journey.” The important thing is to be receptive to what surrounds us to dare to make decisions and build that life every day in which to be well, to be at peace.

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