Delicious Smoothies For Glowing Skin

Did you know that there are smoothies with which you will not only obtain important benefits for your skin, but for your entire health? Next, we reveal the most important ones

Having glowing skin is a goal for many of us. And it is that not only does it make us look more beautiful, it also makes us look healthier. If this is exactly what you are looking for, but your diet does not include many fruits and vegetables, smoothies are one of the best options. These allow you to consume various ingredients, which in addition to being healthy and nutritious, have a unique and pleasant taste. We don’t keep you waiting any longer: Discover these delicious smoothies for glowing skin.

Smoothies for glowing skin

Keep in mind a number of basic ideas when looking for smoothies to show off glowing skin.

Look for the green

Green, the typical color of many healthy vegetables, reminds us of nature and its freshness. To have the glowing skin you want, opt for smoothies where this color predominates. Green vegetables and fruits are high in chlorophyll, which will help you detoxify and give you a lot of energy. Another function of chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis in plants, is to oxygenate cells while nourishing and strengthening the circulatory and intestinal systems.

By consuming green vegetables you will be protecting yourself from some types of cancer, you will regulate blood pressure and keep your bones and teeth strong . All this is achieved because they contain fiber, calcium, folic acid, vitamin C and beta-carotenes.

The advantages of smoothies

  • They are easy to make. Making a smoothie is the easiest thing in the world. All you have to do is select the ingredients, clean or wash them, blend and drink.
  • They are fast. If cooking is not your thing, but you want a more balanced diet, prepare a smoothie and forget about wasting a few minutes or hours cooking.
  • They give you a lot of energy with few calories . When you come back from the gym or from doing sports you need to eat food that gives you energy. Smoothies contain the appropriate calories.

The best smoothies for glowing skin

Take note, because now we will share the best smoothies for your skin.

Smoothie to drain and lose weight

smoothies for glowing skin

This smoothie has everything to lose weight and get fit without much sacrifice. All its ingredients are rich sources of fiber, which acts as a diuretic and cleanser of fats and toxins. If cellulite starts to attack you, this recipe will stop it right away. You can take it as long as you want, as long as you leave a week off for each week of consumption. It will be helpful if you limit your intake of fats and sugars.


  • ½ medium nopal
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 grapefruits (the juice)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • First, combine all the ingredients and blend perfectly.
  • Finally, consume immediately.

Smoothie to get vitamin C

By containing kiwi, this smoothie provides you with a lot of vitamin C. With the two kiwis you cover all the recommended daily need for this vitamin . The avocado provides you with vitamins A, E, B and folic acid. And spinach increases muscle strength, promotes slow transit, and helps you lose weight.


  • 1 ½ cup of coconut water.
  • 1 cup of spinach (preferably the leaf, to make it softer).
  • 2 kiwis, peeled.
  • ½ peeled avocado.
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (optional).


  • Put all the ingredients in the mixer or similar.
  • Mix at maximum power for 2 minutes. Serve it in a glass and fill yourself with vitamins.

Smoothies for glowing skin and also getting energy


Smoothies made with romaine lettuce are ideal. This is because the lettuce does not have much flavor and acquires the flavors that accompany it. In addition, lettuce contains the eight essential amino acids, which makes it very complete. It is very good providing calcium, omega 3, iron and vitamins A, B, C and K. For its part, mint has properties that favor the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. This combination will make you feel energetic in the morning.


  • ½ cup of mint tea, cold.
  • 5 fresh mint leaves.
  • ½ cup of romaine lettuce.
  • ½ cup of spinach.
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 5 drops of sweetener or 2 teaspoons of honey.
  • 1 cup of ice


  • First, cut the lemon into quarters and remove the seeds
  • Next, place all the ingredients, add ½ cup of ice and pass them through the blender
  • Finally, put the other ½ cup of ice in a tall glass and add the shake. It only remains that you take it to start a very energetic morning

Smoothie for your health

Swiss chard fights infections, heals the kidneys, liver and eyes. Also, it helps you deflate, because it is a diuretic. Being a laxative, it becomes a great purifier. You will be able to eliminate waste and you will feel much better. It will maintain the beauty of your hair, nails, skin, bones and teeth. It is an excellent tonic to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver. For its part, green grapes are excellent antioxidants, which will protect you from free radicals and different diseases.


  • 2 cups of chard (use only the leaves).
  • A cup of green grapes, seedless.
  • 1 pear, peeled, cored.
  • 1 orange, peeled live
  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds.
  • ¼ cup of water.
  • 2 cups of ice


  • Chop the chard leaves.
  • Cut the orange into quarters and remove the seeds. Check that all fruits are seedless.
  • Put everything in the blender. Begin by mixing on low power for 15 seconds. Then increase to medium speed 45 seconds more and high until the desired consistency is obtained.
  • Serve it in an exclusive glass for your healing shake.

Smoothies for glowing skin: by way of conclusion

In conclusion, you can consume smoothies for glowing skin. However, in addition, due to their properties, they will help you improve your health in many aspects. Therefore, they are totally recommended as a supplement to your diet, which must be healthy. Finally, note that if you have more questions, or need a much more specific treatment, you should go to the dermatologist.

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