Grunge Decoration: Style And Modernity

The grunge movement of the 80s and 90s has managed to inspire many people since its inception. This consisted of the rejection of the packaged or artificial, and a search for an order of priorities other than the commercial one, which gave too much prominence to the image.

In the beginning, he was opposed to ostentatious and, in general, the appearance they wore was rather slovenly and informal, since they did not want to give importance to the material. Authenticity was what really interested this movement.

Although grunge managed to establish itself as a subculture, over the years, when it came to aesthetics, some things changed. They learned to give value to what, in the first instance, could seem rustic, abandoned or neglected; from a certain point, the need for opposition to the artificial came to be appreciated as a freedom.

Thus, the fact of opting for the material in its newest and shiniest expression was no longer obligatory; As a result, the margin was made more flexible when entering or leaving used items.

Grunge aesthetics in decoration

Bars in Brooklyn go for grunge decor.

Interior designers found a great fascination in grunge, since it expanded the possibilities when decorating a space. For example, instead of throwing everything away, they added value to used objects and gave them a twist, so that they would look cool and original rather than abandoned.

In this way, a type of decoration was achieved that invites you to experiment with what you already have in conjunction with other second-hand items. This can be seen as a way to extend the life of objects.

Obviously, the secret of grunge, as a subculture and as a decorative trend, lies in the fact that,  to be a rock star, you don’t have to work hard to look like one. Therefore, anyone can experience “star” status. In the field of decoration, this translates the same way: you don’t have to try so hard to make everything look perfect, you can get an original and wonderful result from a simple base.

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The big city bets on grunge

In the big capitals it is where the grunge aesthetic has managed to proliferate the most , since it brings a fresh air in the middle of such a commercial and frenetic environment. In fact, one of the cities where this aesthetic has been most incorporated has been in New York, from galleries to bars. Now, this is not to say that the style only works in big cities.

Where can you get inspiration to decorate in this style? Very easy: from street environments. In these places, graffiti, checkered fabrics, wood and metal are not strange at all. Obviously, we will notice that we can incorporate several colors and play with the brick or wood backgrounds.

Aspects to be taken into account

Next we will review some key elements when recreating this environment :

  • Use of “uneven” furniture. Instead of opting for a furniture set, pieces of different origin are incorporated. The important thing is that they are functional and comfortable, not that they combine. In this sense, the use of sofas, armchairs and puffs stands out . To provide greater cohesion and make everything “match” perfectly, cushions or blankets are used in a solid earth tone or plaid pattern. Hammocks and “hanging” chairs can also be incorporated.
  • Use of various rugs to recreate a “scruffy” but cozy atmosphere.
  • Introduction of used elements, such as: bicycles, skateboards, skateboards and the like to give a fresh and youthful air.
  • Wooden trunks, pallets and boxes are salvaged and incorporated as tables or even chairs.
  • Urban accessories (like traffic signs) are mixed with flags.
  • Walls don’t have to look perfect. For example, when painting, you can leave certain “clearings” here and there.
  • Aged effects predominate both on walls and on furniture and accessories. This leads to the inclusion of vintage objects .
  • There is a certain rustic air given the frequent use of wood and metal in this decorative style.

Furniture with recycled material

In general, the grunge decorative trend admits incorporating recycled or used elements to provide a relaxed and youthful atmosphere.

For this reason, it is worthwhile to dare to introduce it in a space, such as the living room or even in a kitchen. We will get a very modern touch, and we will feel more willing to be in contact with what is under the aspect of things and people.

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