Herbs To Purify The Kidneys Naturally

The consumption of water is essential to keep the body hydrated and promote the correct elimination of fluids, which contributes to kidney health. Additionally, herbal teas could become a good ally.

Nowadays, when we talk about taking care of the kidneys and other organs of the body, we try to adopt good life habits and include nutritious foods in our diet, which provide us with real benefits, both in the short and long term. Of course, always trying to maintain both variety and balance.

It is proven that maintaining good life habits is what can really help us to enjoy good health. Not only support ourselves in the consumption of a specific food or drink. However, on occasion, we may consider using certain supplements, such as herbal drinks.

According to popular wisdom, there are herbs that can contribute to kidney health. Mainly, because they stimulate urination and help eliminate retained fluids.

Kidney health

The kidneys are organs located in the back of the abdomen and perform very important functions in the body, such as filtering and removing waste from the body and releasing three important hormones: erythropoietin, renin, and calcitriol.

These organs work in conjunction with other body systems to control blood pressure levels, increase red blood cell production, and synthesize vitamin D.

Taking into account the role that the kidneys play in health, it is known that any inconvenience in these can lead to serious disease. For this reason, it is very important to maintain good lifestyle habits.

Living a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and drinking enough water a day help maintain good kidney function. But, in addition, some herbal drinks can be taken into account to maintain proper urination.

Herbs to take care of the health of the kidneys

Mint tea cup


It is considered that due to its apiol and myristicin content, this herb helps to eliminate fluids that are retained in the body

How to prepare a drink with parsley?

  • First boil a cup of water (250 ml)
  • Then add 1 tablespoon of crushed fresh parsley. (5 g)
  • Finally, let it rest for 5 minutes, strain and drink.

* A little lemon juice can be added to the parsley drink.


The dandelion infusion could also help keep the body hydrated, as well as proper urination throughout the day.

How to prepare a drink with dandelion?

  • Boil 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion root in a cup of water for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from heat, let stand 10 minutes, strain and drink.

Stonebreaker ( Lepidium latifolium )

This herb, as its popular name suggests, is popularly used to dissolve and eliminate kidney stones.

How to prepare a drink with a stone breaker?

  • First, boil a tablespoon and a half (8 g) of the plant in a cup of water (250 ml).
  • Then, remove from the heat, cover and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Drink in moderation.


Due to its diuretic effect, nettle is another herb that can contribute to kidney health, according to popular beliefs.

How to prepare the drink?

  • First step: add 2 teaspoons of fresh nettle (8 g) dry in 1 cup of hot water (250 ml), cover and let stand 10 minutes.
  • Second step: strain the infusion, add honey to taste and drink.

Horse tail

Horsetail tea.

Due to its diuretic effect and its good taste, horsetail infusion is one of the most consumed when it comes to taking care of the health of the kidneys.

How to prepare the drink?

  • First boil 1 cup of water (250 ml) and add 1 to 3 teaspoons of fresh horsetail (8-15 g) or dried.
  • Then cover, let stand 10 minutes, strain and drink.

Some patients should avoid these types of beverages, as their compounds can interfere with medications and cause adverse reactions. Therefore, before resorting to a home remedy, it is best to consult your doctor.

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