Home And Natural Remedies To Treat Hives

The skin has different ways of reacting to external agents. When you consider them to be an attack or a danger, hives may be one of them, as this study by the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust (UK) states.

It is likely both that it appears in one place, and that it spreads over different areas. In addition to itching, another of its main symptoms is redness. Although the last word will always be your doctor, in this article we will offer you some home remedies to alleviate your symptoms.

What is and why urticaria occurs


This skin reaction to certain stimuli called urticaria can be caused by allergic reactions to some substances. It can also originate from contact with toxic or irritating agents. Many people get it when they touch an ivy or sumac leaf, for example.

There are other triggers that can cause hives, such as:

  • Insect bites.
  • Swimming in cold water.
  • Get out in the sun at noon.
  • Take a steam bath.
  • The change of climate (being in a warm place and going to a cold one, or vice versa).

Some have this reaction when they eat certain types of food (especially fish, shellfish, and nuts). In another group we can include patients with urticaria caused by the ingestion of drugs (such as penicillin).

Finally,  some individuals have emotional reactions on the skin due to nervous disorders.  Some of them may be, for example, due to stress, depression or anxiety.

Frequent symptoms

The symptoms that we must take into account to determine that it is hives are:

  • Pimples or small bumps on the skin
  • Swelling.
  • Tingling or heat
  • Itching or burning
  • Redness

Home remedies for hives

The symptoms of hives usually go away on their own within a few hours or days. However, if we notice that the condition worsens and remains over time, we must see a doctor immediately. He will prescribe what he deems necessary. In the meantime, all we can do is bear the inconvenience.

The good news is that there are homemade recipes to alleviate this problem and, above all, to reduce itching. Remember, yes, consult a specialist first, since it could cause some type of reaction or aggravate your condition.

Pay attention to the following:


Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, onion could be recommended to treat hives. It is preferable that you include it in your meals, since it is not known how it can affect the area with hives topically.

Cold compresses

Cold for hives

When the skin is red and itchy too much,   a great way to reduce symptoms might be to apply cold water or ice cubes. In this way, the blood vessels will be narrowed and will block the release of histamine (which causes irritation and burning).

  • Remember not to put the cubes directly on the skin because you could get a burn. Use a cloth as an intermediary.
  • If you wish, you can take a cold shower (when the hives are extensive).

Apple vinager

Due to its properties, this condiment widely used in salads  could help reduce inflammation and itching.  Remember that you should not apply it topically without first consulting with your doctor. If it gives you the go-ahead, you can proceed to the following:

  • If the hives have not spread too much, use a cloth or cotton and apply as a compress.
  • In the event that the irritation is greater, it is better to soak in the tub with cold water and vinegar, at least, for 20 minutes.


    Chamomile for hives

    In this case we are going to take advantage of the relaxing benefits of this infusion internally. If you don’t have chamomile, you can make it with valerian (another sedative herb). It is a recommended recipe in the event that the reaction is caused by a problem of nerves or stress.


    • 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (20 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • Place the chamomile and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    • Allow the decoction to take place for 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
    • Cover to cool another 5 minutes.
    • Strain and sweeten with honey. Drink before it gets cold.


    Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and is thought to reduce the symptoms of hives related to itching. However, you should consult your doctor first, since it is a topical remedy and could cause some kind of reaction.


    • 2 cups of oatmeal (250 g)


    • Fill the bathtub with warm water and add the flour.
    • Stir to dissolve.
    • Soak in the bathtub and stay there for at least 15 minutes.

    aloe vera

    Of course, you cannot miss one of the most famous plants in terms of properties. Aloe vera promotes healing, is anti-inflammatory and would relieve redness. As we have already mentioned, it is recommended that before using it you confirm its use with your trusted doctor.

    • You should only cut one aloe stalk horizontally.
    • Extract the gel inside, which you will apply on the affected area.
    • Let it dry on its own.

    Remember, you should not apply anything without prior medical advice, or you could aggravate the hives. It is very important that your doctor or trusted dermatologist give the go-ahead to any natural alternative before using it.

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