Homemade Anti-cellulite Cream With Rosemary, Lemon And Birch

A homemade anti-cellulite cream can be prepared both to prevent and to treat this condition. The important thing is knowing which ingredients to use and of course how to mix them so that they can provide significant benefit.

The vast majority of women suffer when they notice that they have cellulite (to a greater or lesser extent and regardless of their weight). At this point, it is important to remember that the keys to combat this problem are: a balanced diet, exercise and the application of the appropriate topical products.

Next, we will teach you how to prepare a homemade anti-cellulite cream with natural ingredients so that you can begin to solve the problem. But remember, the cream alone will not work miracles. You must lead a healthy lifestyle in order to achieve your goal. 

What is cellulite?

What is cellulite

Cellulite is not a serious disease but it is an aesthetic problem that makes people uncomfortable. It is characterized by giving an irregular appearance to the skin, either in the form of dimples or lumps. The most common areas are the buttocks and legs, but it can also occur in other areas, such as the arms and abdomen.

A single cause of its appearance has not been identified, but a series of factors have been identified, among which are:

  • Genetics.
  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Poor blood circulation

For this reason, the treatment to combat it must have a multidisciplinary approach; that is to say, it will not be enough only to improve the diet or apply an anti-cellulite cream to reduce it as desired.

Homemade anti-cellulite cream

Fight cellulite


  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • 4 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • 9 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (90 g).
  • 10 tablespoons of beeswax (100 g).
  • 15 drops of birch essential oil.


  • We heat the beeswax in a water bath until it melts.
  • Mix the wax with the aloe gel and stir well with a spoon to warm it.
  • Add the three essential oils and stir again with the spoon to integrate everything.
  • We will keep the anti-cellulite cream in the fridge, in an opaque bottle that is not transparent.


The application of the anti-cellulite cream is as important as the virtues of its ingredients, since a good technique will allow us to enhance its effects.

We can start, if we wish, with a dry brushing, without the cream, using a specific brush with natural bristles or a horsehair glove. This first step, which is not necessary to do every day, will allow us to activate circulation and improve lymphatic drainage.

The movements should be smooth, circular and from the bottom up. After brushing, we will apply the anti-cellulite cream and make circular movements with medium pressure.

Other massage techniques

If we want to enhance the effects of the cream, we can perform more specific massages in the stubborn areas, or have someone else do them for us. Here we tell you which are the most effective:


With this technique we will have to pinch the affected area, without it being painful, to then perform a gentle kneading with the fingertips.


We will gently pinch a part of the skin of about two centimeters, we will hold it and then we will make a circular motion. Then we will do it with larger areas and with greater smoothness.


With a closed fist, we will quickly and firmly hit the parts with cellulite.


For these frictions we will use both hands and it will be an excellent technique to finish the massage, since the movements are larger than in the previous ones. We will start, as always, at the ankles, and use both hands to perform circular frictions and work up to the abdomen.

It is advisable to take advantage of the moment after bathing or showering (at least 3 times a week) to apply the anti-cellulite cream and perform the massages.

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