How Can We Improve Digestion?

Digestive problems are very common throughout the population. Both poor diet and stress, among other factors, can be triggers for these types of disorders. How to improve digestion?

Although it is important to determine its origin to obtain an adequate treatment, in general it is advisable to make some adjustments in the diet to produce a significant improvement in a short time. Here are some recommendations.

Probiotics to improve digestion

Intestinal dysbiosis or alteration of flora diversity is often associated with digestion problems. Treating this imbalance at the microbiota level usually results in an improvement in the symptoms of this type of pathology.

For this, it is advisable to increase the consumption of foods based on lactic fermentation, such as yogurt or kefir. In addition, probiotic supplementation can be assessed, which offers positive results in these types of disorders, as stated in a study published in the journal Current Protein & Peptide Science .

Among probiotic supplements, the best option are those that include few different strains in their composition. It is necessary that they have a high number of bacteria and that they are supported by scientific studies that confirm their effects.

Yogurt to improve digestion

Fiber to improve digestion

Fiber is a substance that is responsible for improving intestinal transit. In turn, it produces a series of fermentations that stimulate the selective growth of bacteria that inhabit the intestine, as explained in an article published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

This situation favors the formation of short chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial when treating and preventing various pathologies. Likewise, it increases digestive efficiency, which translates into a lower risk of gastric or intestinal discomfort.

Reduce the consumption of processed foods

In the same way that there are foods that improve digestive processes, there are others capable of interfering in its proper functioning. These are, above all, ultra-processed products that contain simple sugars and trans fats .

This class of foods is related to the worsening of digestion and the promotion of complex diseases in the medium and long term. Restricting its appearance in the diet is a great advance in terms of health.

In fact, it is recommended that any meal plan be based on the consumption of fresh foods, leaving the ultra-processed for specific or occasional moments.

Avoid drinking alcohol

In addition to being ultra-processed, alcohol can cause digestive problems. Despite the fact that some alcoholic mixes have the nickname of digestives, drinks of this nature are related to the promotion of gastric acidity.

On the other hand, these types of substances contribute to the development of a state of chronic inflammation and increase the risk of various pathologies. Due to this, the recommendation regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages is always the restriction.

Avoid drinking alcohol

Diet influences digestive processes

Digestive processes are directly related to the kind of food we eat. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the consumption of those products with anti-inflammatory properties. Betting on fresh food is a wise move in this regard.

In addition, it is essential to restrict the intake of ultra-processed foods. The components of this class of products have a negative impact on health, stimulate inflammation and increase the risk of non-communicable diseases.

On the other hand, if eating habits are not enough, there is the option of supplementing with probiotics or fiber. Both substances have the ability to improve the gut microbiota, which is associated with better digestion.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize how important it is to remove alcohol from the diet, since it increases inflammation and the risk of developing complex and metabolic diseases.

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