How To Lighten The Armpits?

The armpits are a delicate and sensitive area that some women want to hide since they are also darker than the skin on the arms, due to the use of deodorant products, hair removal products, sweat, etc. We review all the possible reasons and natural remedies that will help us to clarify the armpits.

Excessive sweating or Hyperhidrosis

If this is the cause of you suffering from darkened armpits, you should know that sweat is a way for the body to eliminate toxins, so it is not advisable to use products that completely cut perspiration, as there are some on the market.

To naturally control excess sweating, we can perform the following remedies:

  • Consume astringent foods such as green tea or avocado seed infusion
  • Take sage infusions or we can also apply it topically
  • Rinse the armpits with red clay water (dissolving a little clay in water and washing our armpits with the help of compresses or a towel).
  • Use club  moss spores or plant sulfur. These spores absorb sweat at the same time that they stop the proliferation of bacteria responsible for the bad smell. They also prevent irritations and itching that may appear. They are applied every morning and every night, on the areas of greatest perspiration avoiding any open wound.
  • Bear in mind that nervous emotional states also increase sweating

sage Fernando Stankuns


It can also happen that this area of ​​the body suffers some type of infection due to poor hygiene, among other reasons. It is an area that easily accumulates moisture, so we must take special care to keep it clean and dry. We can use a deodorant that contains tea tree, which is bactericidal and fungicidal, or buy the essential oil directly, add it to a moisturizer and apply it directly to the armpits daily. You will soon see how your armpits begin to lighten.

By the friction of the clothes

Very tight clothing can also irritate and darken the underarm area, so we will avoid synthetic fabrics that cause us a reaction or that have very tight sleeves or straps.

Natural bleaches

At home we have some natural foods and products that will help us to whiten the darkened area of ​​our armpits naturally and without any risk.

The lemon

Lemon helps us to eliminate dead cells and also to  lighten areas that have darkened over time. In addition, it also works as a deodorant, so we will not hesitate to use this remedy daily. How do we do it? We simply cut a lemon in half and rub it on the armpits. We let it dry for a few moments and we can get dressed. We will avoid applying the lemon if we have recently waxed, as it could cause a lot of itching.

Potato juice

Potato juice also has bleaching properties, so if we have a blender we can try this remedy. We will liquefy the juice of a small piece of potato and apply it to the armpits with the help of a cotton ball.


At home we have this bleach that we already know for its properties, for example, to bleach hair. It will suffice that we apply a little hydrogen peroxide daily to our armpits. Soon we will notice how the armpits begin to lighten.

Finally, remember that the effects of these home remedies are not immediate and depend on the type of skin and the damage it has suffered, you can achieve some result after several applications. Now yes,  raise your arms and enjoy your next vacation! 

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