How To Make Frozen Lemon Cubes: Your Immune System Will Thank You!

A frozen lemon remedy can be a good complement to your strategy to take care of the immune system on a daily basis. The frozen lemon therapy consists of taking one of these fruits in its whole form to the freezer and letting it freeze. Subsequently, it is grated to take advantage of the virtues of both the pulp and the rind.

This time we want to propose a simpler alternative that will allow us to make a more extensive and practical use of lemon. It is such an easy idea to carry out that it will become essential in your day-to-day life. Do you dare to take note?

Frozen lemon cubes, a great idea at your fingertips

Have a couple of fresh, organically grown lemons at home? We are sure that it is. You may even have an ice bucket and a chopper or mixer as well. If so, you already have everything you need to prepare this wonderful health remedy.

How can frozen lemon cubes help?

  • Lemons have a great anti-inflammatory and purifying power and are the best allies to strengthen the immune system.
  • They are a natural source of vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Remember that the consumption of vitamin C is closely linked to the proper functioning of the immune system. Research published in the  American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine  confirmed that regular intake of this nutrient was able to reduce the incidence of the common cold and improve recovery.
  • The fact of using both the pulp and the peel will allow us to take advantage of up to 10% more vitamins than if we consumed only the juice.
  • Lemons, in turn, are the most alkalizing foods that we can consume. They have a high concentration of negatively charged ions, which increases the flow of oxygen in the brain.
  • The fact of being able to freeze them and have them within our reach in small portions thanks to the ice bucket makes it easier for us to take advantage of them.

    You can consume them in infusions, smoothies, juices, soups … You will love it.

    How to prepare frozen lemon cubes?

    Lemons to use their juice for baking.


    • 3 lemons.
    • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
    • 2 ice buckets.


    • It is very simple. Start by washing the three lemons well.
    • Cut them into 4 pieces.
    • Take them to the blender along with the two cups of water and get a well homogeneous mixture.
    • Then carefully pour it into your ice buckets.
    • Store them in the freezer.

    Ways to take advantage of lemon cubes

    Ginger with lemon for breakfast

    Something as simple as combining the virtues of lemon with the power of ginger will help us achieve a morning remedy with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. The most recent scientific literature defends that this spice is capable of reducing the risk of developing some types of cancer, as long as the diet is balanced and varied.

    In addition, we will strengthen the immune system and help reduce bad cholesterol or LDL. Take notes on how you should prepare it.


    • A cup of water (250 ml).
    • One teaspoon of grated fresh ginger (3 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).
    • A frozen lemon cube.


    • To enjoy this infusion, you will only have to bring the water to a boil to make a decoction with the ginger.
    • Allow it to infuse for 15 minutes and then let it steep for another 5.
    • Sweeten with honey and finally add that lemon cube.

    Delicious lemon and coconut smoothie


    • 1 coconut yogurt (125 g).
    • 1 glass of almond milk (200 ml).
    • 2 frozen lemon cubes.


    • You will have it done in less than 5 minutes. To do this, choose a low-fat coconut yogurt and put it in the blender.
    • Add a glass of vegetable almond milk without added sugar and beat well for 2 minutes.
    • Get a very homogeneous mixture and serve in your favorite glass.
    • Finally add the frozen lemon cubes.

    Flavored water: Delicious!

    Finally, you will like to know that just as you have prepared these delicious frozen lemon cubes, you can do the same with other fruits. If you are looking for those that are rich in vitamin C, you will continue to take care of the immune system. Hence, you have one more option at your fingertips to take advantage of this idea.

    Here are some examples of other fruits that can serve you:

    • Kiwi.
    • Mangoes
    • Watermelon.
    • Melons
    • Pineapples.
    • Grenades
    • Peaches
    • Citrus (mandarin, orange, grapefruit).
    • Different red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries).

    Discover 7 beneficial fruits for diabetes patients

    Take advantage of lemons to take care of the immune system

    Do not hesitate to try any of these proposals to give more health to life and promote well-being. Remember that these are not miracle recipes. To get the most out of them, they need to be included in a varied and balanced diet. If you have more questions, consult a specialist and he or she will be able to help you and advise you in this regard.

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