In Development A New Technique For The Symptoms Of Migraines

Migraines are characterized by the appearance of severe pain that usually occurs on only one side of the head. In addition, it can be accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and loud sounds.

This condition, which can last for hours or days, is suffered by millions of people around the world and is one of the most frequent causes of sick leave.

Some people experience warning signs before they get this headache, such as flashes of light, tingling in a part of the body, and difficulty speaking.

In relation to this, a study published in the journal Functional Neurology, rehabilitation and Ergonomics exposes an innovative technique that, apparently, has potential against the symptoms of migraine. Next, we will tell you more about this method.

Migraine, one of the most disabling diseases

According to a publication of the World Health Organization (WHO), migraine is a highly disabling disease that hinders daily activity.

In addition, he points out that half of the people have suffered from this condition at least once a year, and only a few receive the proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are the causes of migraines?

Although the exact cause of migraines is unknown, there are several triggers for their appearance and these vary from person to person. A National Health Service publication suggests that recognizing the causes in each case is important in determining the best treatment for each case.

Among the possible triggers are the following:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of sleep
  • Tension in the neck or shoulders
  • Low blood sugar
  • Eating late or skipping meals
  • Specific foods like chocolate
  • Dehydration
  • Some medications
What are the causes of migraines?

Modulated air insufflation technique for migraines

According to the publication of the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation and Ergonomics that we mentioned at the beginning, the technique of modulated insufflation of air seems to be a promising treatment against the symptoms of migraine.

Specific, This method involves blowing air over one or both ears to reduce overexcitation. The air stimulates the same nerve in the face that is directly connected to the eardrum. In this way, it stops the pain signals that reach the brain stem and activate the pain sensation. Next, we will tell you in detail how it works.

Modulated air insufflation technique

This strategy can be carried out through an instrument called a pneumatic otoscope. In fact, it is a very similar instrument to that used by specialists to examine the ears.

This tool has a small cone-shaped nozzle, through which air is led to the eardrum. Once the eardrum is stimulated, the pain is calmed, because the overactivation of the trigeminal nerve, responsible for migraines, is paralyzed.

Today, doctors carry out the treatment experimentally. To do this, they introduce a low-intensity air stream for 20 minutes in patients with severe headaches.

Experts are hopeful, since it relies on direct nerve stimulation in the ear canal and eardrum. Thus, it seems to be an innovative method against the symptoms associated with migraine.

Modulated air insufflation technique

What should be clear about this technique?

It is worth clarifying that this is a technique that is still being investigated and that, if approved at some point, it must be carried out by a professional or according to the indications of the study.

Finally, it is important to remember that, faced with problems such as migraines, it is best to see a doctor. A professional is the ideal person to help determine the causes and the appropriate treatment. In addition, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid potential pain triggers.

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