Is It Better To Be Single?

Unfortunately, in many cases, on a social level it is not well seen to be single. Singleness is related to loneliness, sadness, and even failure. And this is an idea that must begin to change. Who imposes these kinds of cultural norms?

First of all, it is important to understand that each person is free to decide whether or not they want to make their life as a couple. Getting married is an option, as is having children or not, or living single. Many people decide to live with themselves and this option should be equally respected.

You also have to understand that each person has lived their own history, we do not know why they made their decisions, what their past is. You cannot judge people without knowing the reasons that led you to a specific situation. It is not better or worse to be single. It is one more option, a decision made in a person’s life.

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Being single has many advantages

Being single should no longer be seen as a curse. For many, it is a decision that they have made individually with their own well-being in mind. In addition, being single also has its advantages. We develop some of these below.

1. Being single you can learn to love yourself

It is essential to learn to love yourself. Finding love for yourself, dedicating time, prioritizing. As the saying goes, who is going to love you if you don’t love yourself?

On many occasions, people can go through different stages from which they can come out morally damaged. Whether it is love disappointments, toxic relationships or cases of emotional dependence, after these situations it is really advisable to spend time with yourself.

Self-esteem is very important when it comes to developing correctly as a person. Not only on a sentimental level, but also professionally. People who believe in themselves, who value their own qualities, have a much better chance of succeeding in whatever they set out to do.

To develop and care for self-love, it is essential to spend time being single. In this way you can rediscover hobbies, your own qualities, dreams, illusions that were forgotten. Over time, it is possible to learn to share this love again with someone else as well.

2. Focus on the professional future

First of all, it is important to be clear that forming a family, having children, and wanting to dedicate yourself to them is not synonymous in any case of professional failure. It is neither for men nor for women.

However, in many ways, it may be true that the responsibility that these realities carry takes away time to devote to other things. For example, in some cases it may be more difficult to fully focus on developing a professional career. 

learn to accept yourself

In any case, if you are single, it may be easier to find the necessary time and dedicate yourself to everything that arouses passion in the person. Whether it is training professionally through studies, or getting deeply involved in a professional career. There are thousands of alternatives. It is advisable to find out what you want to invest your time in.

3. Open the social circle

Again, we are faced with a situation that does not have to be exclusive to single people. Let’s not forget that stereotyping the profile of someone boring who never does anything to be married is a big mistake. Making fun plans and never stopping discovering the world does not depend on the person’s marital status but on the personality itself.

Regardless, it is true that if you are single you can have more facility to dedicate time to leisure. After all, you live yourself with yourself, and you can organize and carry out all the activities you want, however you want to do them. 

It is possible to open the social circle, finding new activities that are interesting to the person. Also continuing those that have always liked. It is about discovering new options in which to spend your free time, or professionalize in those that have always been a challenge.

man with false modesty

Everyone can live their life however they want. As a couple, single, forming a family, expanding this same family. The options are diverse and all equally respectable. And in the same way, they all have advantages. In the end, it all comes down to knowing how to enjoy what you have and make the most of life.

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