My Family Is What Makes Everything Worthwhile

My family is the one who makes it all worthwhile. Every effort, every resignation and every step that I take in my life. Now, it is also clear to me that family is also the people I choose because, sometimes, the true bond is not made by blood, but by true affection.

We are all very clear that it is not easy to feel united and love all the members of our family. We could say, almost as a metaphor, that we arrived in this world as if we had fallen down a chimney. Nobody can choose his father, his mother, his brothers …

Therefore, whoever fully lives all these relationships in a positive way has a real treasure. Now, maintaining a cold or complicated relationship with some relatives does not exclude us from creating our own. The one you have with your partner, with your friends or with your pets.

I choose who to have in my life

There are those who have the idea that being a family is something sacred. A bond that no one can break or, even more, disobey. But it is not the right thing to do. The true family is the one that is conceived from the heart, the one that offers recognition, attention and loyalty.


There are many people who do not have a solid or happy bond with their closest ones. Either because they do not share values, because they have not accepted the chosen path or any other cause, they have decided to leave a hygienic and necessary space to free themselves. However, that is not why we will have lost the ability to create new relationships to consider in the same way.

Our friends, our pets, are also family

So who is family? They do not have only fathers, mothers, siblings, uncles or grandparents. We can consider family to those friends who were always with us, who have supported us in every step and who gave encouragement to our fears, happiness to our sadness and light to our darkness.

Family is any person whom you want to include not only in your life, but in your heart. It’s a dog, your cat, licking your face, always there at the most opportune moments. It is  something that goes beyond blood and that transcends the generational link or our tree of roots. And sometimes it happens that, given our past, we have no choice but to create new “roots”, and not for that reason feel bad about it.

My family offers encouragement to my existence

There is nothing so meaningful, upright and satisfying than having a family we love, in which we feel good and are happy. Having parents who knew how to raise us is something that offered us security, having a partner who loves and respects us gives us roots, and having children offers us hope, a future. It makes us feel complete.

Undoubtedly, all of this stands as the strongest pillar of our life, the breath that should give us strength every day.

  • A happy and loyal family is one that allows us to be ourselves at all times. They are people who do not judge us by our actions and way of thinking
    • A healthy family is one that does not drown, one that does not need to control ourselves and offers us spaces of our own to be ourselves
    • It doesn’t matter that today you still don’t feel like you don’t have a real family. You will find other people far from that primary space that is the blood family, where without a doubt you will meet friends, with new partners.

    Now, to achieve this we must get out of our comfort zone and prioritize ourselves.

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    We also have responsibilities

    Children are undoubtedly our true references, those to whom we care, care for and guide so that tomorrow they will become happy adults. Being a family also implies not only rights, but also responsibilities:

    • We must take care of them as part of ourselves. They are the people you have chosen, the ones who really give meaning to your existence, and it does not matter that they are only 4 or 5, that it is limited to your partner, a mother, a brother and your children.
    • Who you love, attend. Whom you value as important, listen, forgive and care every day. They sure do it for you too. Life is too short to focus our attention on other things, on worries, on accumulating money or material goods.

    Authentic life is inscribed in the people you love and is enjoyed in the small everyday details that give meaning to your existence. There where your family is always the protagonist. Do not forget!

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