Nuts: Contributions To A Healthy Diet

Most people avoided them because they did not look attractive or because of their price. However, nuts are an excellent option.

Nuts are increasingly becoming a food trend. People who are concerned about their health have already included them in their diets and have found that they can be enjoyed at all times, alone or included in various ways in various recipes along with other ingredients.

The habit of eating nuts as an aperitif is an excellent alternative to nourish ourselves and in turn, take care of the body. Fortunately, every day new combinations emerge that make them more appetizing and beneficial. On the other hand, the practicality of their consumption is undeniable, since they can be consumed without previous preparation and without utensils.

Characteristics and benefits of nuts

Although they are called “fruits”, in reality, nuts are seeds. They are characterized by having a hard shell that surrounds the edible part. In their natural composition, without human intervention, they contain less than 50% water.

They are very complete, energetic foods and provide necessary nutrients for the body. Among its nutrients are vitamins A, E, B, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, calcium phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron and protein.

On the other hand,  nuts contain antioxidants. Reason why they are recommended for a healthy and preventive diet of cardiovascular diseases and others linked to aging.

Manufacturing processes reduce the nutrients in nuts and can even be harmful, due to the amount of cholesterol they include. Likewise, those with added salt can cause an inadequate salt intake. Therefore, it is preferable to opt for its natural presentation,  without additions or preparation processes.

Nutrition experts recommend consuming them natural and avoiding nuts that are roasted, salted, sugary and fried.

Most consumed nuts

There is a great variety of nuts in the world, whose names, shapes and characteristics differ according to the region or country in which they are produced. However, some are universally recognized for their beneficial properties, whether raw, in beverages, among others.


Almonds provide calcium for tooth enamel

  • Nuts are an ideal ally to strengthen the bone system. Their high calcium content makes them very appropriate for people who need extra contributions of this mineral.
  • They contain a high percentage of fiber. They avoid problems such as constipation and diverticula, among others.
  • They are an important source of proteins and fatty acids, which are essential substances to protect the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, etc.
  • Its antioxidants help prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging.
  • Although they contain fat and provide calories, it is scientifically proven that almonds are not fattening.


  • They provide more protein than meat, but they do not contain harmful fats.
  • Its content in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids makes them suitable for promoting the health of all organs and systems of the body, not only the cardiovascular one.
  • They benefit the brain, nervous system and heart.
  • As with almonds, walnuts are not fattening. 


pistachios nuts

  • They have a high content of vitamins in levels much higher than those of other nuts
  • They provide nutrients that provide a lot of energy, proteins and high quality vegetable oils.
  • They are rich in minerals that other foods do not have, such as copper, manganese, potassium, fiber, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • They help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular fitness.


    • They contain fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. They are very useful for diets not only for their nutritional properties but also for their satiating effect.
    • Like pistachios, they are a good source of minerals that contribute to the restorative and anti-inflammatory effects.
    • They have properties for stomach and intestinal disorders, such as gastritis, ulcers and diarrhea
    • In general, they improve brain and physical performance.


    • They are an important source of vitamins A, B, C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and flavonoids.
    • They improve circulation and contribute to brain health.
    • In addition, they contain healthy fats, so they help control bad cholesterol and raise the good one.
    • They have been proven to provide plant protein, which provides the body with energy and mental alertness. It repairs bone, muscle cells and other damaged organs.
    • Because they are very caloric, their consumption should be moderate if you do not want to gain weight.


    • As they contain vitamin E and zinc, pine nuts are  ideal for caring for cardiovascular health.
    • They provide good amounts of fiber, which favors good intestinal function.
    • Their richness in zinc makes them especially suitable for improving fertility, especially in men.
    • They help to strengthen the immune system in a natural way.

    Now that you know what the contributions of nuts are, we encourage you to include them more often in your diet. Be careful, always in moderation and in its most natural format possible.

    Remember that you can eat a handful between meals, as a snack, add a few to your salads, enrich your smoothies … There are thousands of recipes with nuts that you can try!

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