Red And White Meat Affect Cholesterol In The Same Way, According To Studies

Having high cholesterol has been a top concern for many people for years, leading to questions about the benefits of white and red meat in this regard. However, the most recent research doubts that this marker is accurate in determining the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It should be noted that cardiovascular disease has a very complex physiology. However, experts say that one of the mechanisms underlying it that can determine your prognosis is inflammation. This process increases the possibility of suffering from atheroma plaques.

What do studies say about meat and cholesterol levels?

The first thing to be clear about is that white or red meat does not seem to have a decisive influence on cholesterol levels. According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , consuming red meat regularly is not associated with a significant increase in cholesterol levels or blood pressure. Nor does it increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Similarly, research published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, confirms that proposing a Paleolithic diet is not harmful to heart health. Nor does it generate a significant alteration of the lipid profile.

It should be noted that this type of diet prioritizes the intake of proteins and fats, along with all those products that have not been manipulated by the industry.

There are even articles that disprove the myth that the regular intake of eggs or products derived from them is capable of influencing the risk of heart attack or cardiovascular problems. For many years, their intake was limited out of fear.

Therefore, we can affirm that all these foods (red, white meat and eggs) affect cholesterol levels in the same way, generating a very low impact on them. In short, the final cardiovascular risk does not change.

Red meat and cholesterol.

What role do lipoproteins play in the body?

It is important to understand what cholesterol is and what role it plays in the body. These particles are called lipoproteins and are responsible for transporting substances through the blood, generally fats.

We can find them of 2 types: HLD and LDL. The former have been considered good , since they transport fats from the tissues to the liver. However, LDL was traditionally known as bad cholesterol and exerted the opposite transport effect.

Recently, it has been possible to demonstrate that LDL particles can be split into smaller groups, thus highlighting VLDL cholesterol and its oxidized fraction. Apparently, these last elements are the ones that are more closely related to the cardiovascular accident, since they tend to agglutinate and generate atheroma plaques.

Consequences of high cholesterol in the body

As we mentioned, the fact of having high cholesterol cannot be considered negative at first, but it is essential to analyze the proportion of each of the lipoproteins to evaluate the state of health. Cholesterol levels that are too low are more dangerous to life than they are too high.

The key at this point is in the proportion of oxidized VLDL particles that circulate in the blood. It is beneficial to reduce this group of elements, as much as possible.

For this, a series of strategies can be activated. One of them is to consume foods with high antioxidant capacity, such as vegetables, in the diet. At the same time, avoiding the consumption of trans-type lipids will be key.

How can cholesterol levels be lowered?

Cholesterol in the arteries.

If, for any reason, a blood test shows cholesterol values ​​that are too high, it may be beneficial to reduce them. This is because oxidized VLDL particles are not distinguishable. In this sense, applying a series of dietary changes can reduce total cholesterol and also this class of lipoproteins.

To achieve a beneficial impact on the lipid profile, it is advisable to prioritize the consumption of fresh food over that of industrial ultra-processed foods. It is recommended, above all, the intake of oily fish and vegetables, since they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential.

A high intake of fiber could also lower total cholesterol levels. This is because the substance blocks the absorption of dietary cholesterol at the intestinal level.

However, there is an endogenous synthesis of the particles that is balanced with the absorption of the nutrient through the diet, so this effect is disputed. In fact, one of the reasons for high cholesterol is often genetic.

Red and white meat are not decisive in the cardiovascular

As you have seen, both the consumption of red meat and the intake of white meat do not significantly alter cholesterol levels. However, these can be increased if the food is fried, since in this case trans-type acids are generated.

Prioritizing gentle cooking methods, introducing vegetables frequently and avoiding ultra-processed ones is key to improving cardiovascular health. Remember that reducing your cholesterol level is not as a priority, as a general rule, as improving your lifestyle.

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