Routine To Do Push-ups

Next, we offer you a routine to work not only the triceps; but also the abs and the back.

Do you think pushups are only for those who have several years of training? Well … The truth is that they can be done from the first day you go to the gym. Of course, having a routine to do push-ups controlled by a trainer. He will accompany you to achieve the results you want to obtain.

In this article we detail how to make them, as well as different variants so that you can choose the ones that suit you best with it. Keep reading!

How are push-ups done?

There are different variants to choose from. However, there are some preliminary questions that you must take into account for each of the push-ups that you do:

  • Lie face down on a mat, extend your arms and support your hands shoulder width apart .
  • Stretch your legs and support only the balls of your feet on the floor. If you are just starting out, support your knees leaving your calves and feet “in the air”.
  • Tighten the glutes and abdomen during exercise.
  • Let the body descend until the chest is close to the ground, but not touching it.
  • After a short pause, you need to gain momentum to return to the starting position.

Push-ups are simple and functional exercises that allow you to work different muscles at the same time (including the legs and buttocks). Likewise, as a study carried out in 2020 by several researchers from the Autonomous University of Carmen (Mexico) shows, the important thing is not so much the number of repetitions; but the quality of each of the push-ups.

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Push-up routine for beginners

Don’t be embarrassed if you can’t do 200 push-ups like other teammates in the first few days at the gym. They have had to practice quite a bit to get to that amount.

In the beginning, it is better to go slow and pay attention to technique. Therefore, this push-up routine can be useful in the first stages of training:

1. Wall push-ups

Push-ups on the wall are a simple and effective way to master the technique. At the same time, they allow you to work your muscles.

Wall push-ups

  • To start, face the wall and stretch your arms to rest your hands on it.
  • Then stand on your toes and bend your elbows as you bring your torso forward. The body should lean slightly.
  • Don’t forget to keep your back straight.
  • Repeat 20 times.

2. Bench or table push-ups

It is the next step once you have practiced the wall push-ups. To do this you need a bench, a chair or a low table.

  • First, support your hands and stretch your legs so that they are diagonal to the floor.
  • You should only hold on with the balls of your feet.
  • Next, bend your elbows and bring your torso forward until you almost touch your chest with the bench.
  • Lastly, hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 20 repetitions.

3. Kneeling push-ups

This is the first “approach” to the standard push-ups. The difference is that the legs are not extended, but bent. And the point of contact with the ground is the knees (in addition to the hands).

Knee push ups

  • To begin, lie face down on the mat, resting your palms shoulder-width apart.
  • Then cross your legs and lift your feet to support yourself with your knees.
  • Next, bend your elbows and bring your torso forward.
  • Keep your face as close to the mat as possible.
  • To finish, return to the starting position.
  • Do 20 reps.

4. Standard push-ups

Once you have done the three previous exercises several times, you would be in a position to go to the “original” version of push-ups. To do this, you will not need to do too many repetitions.

  • First, put the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet on the ground.
  • Then bend your elbows and bring your torso and face as close to the floor as possible.
  • After a few seconds in that position, return to the starting position (with the body diagonally).

5. Push-ups with hand touches

From now on, you are already able to perform different versions of the standard push-ups. So you won’t get bored.

Push-ups with hand touches

  • In this case, when raising your torso and keeping your arms straight,  touch your right hand with your left.
  • Then put it back “in place” and do another push-up.
  • Finally, when climbing, touch the left hand with the right.

6. Push-ups with shoulder touches

This exercise is similar to the previous one. However, in this case, when extending the arms, touch the right shoulder with the left hand.

Get down on the floor and do a new pushup. As you go up, touch your left shoulder with your right hand.

7. Push-ups with torso rotations

This exercise is excellent for toning the lateral abdominal muscles. In addition, it helps with coordination and balance.

Push-ups with torso rotations

Once you do the push-up and your elbows are straight, take your right hand off the ground and bring it up as if you wanted to touch the ceiling with your fingers. With this movement you will also rotate your torso.

You must be supported with the left hand and the sides of the feet. Don’t forget to tighten your belly for the duration of the exercise.

8. Push-ups with arm raises

Finally, we show you another variable that will help you with coordination and balance.

  • When your elbows are straight, raise your right arm so that your shoulder touches your ear (hand pointing forward).
  • Hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. Then do another push-up and as you go up, bring your left arm forward.
  • Repeat 10 times on each side.

Persevere and musicalize the routine to do push-ups

Arm exercises, consulting a professional, and combining a healthy diet with a daily exercise routine will help you achieve the results you expect. In addition, you will be investing time and effort in the health of tomorrow.

And you? Do you dare to start today? Remember that the key is to persevere each day to see results. Likewise, a work exhibited at the XIII Argentine Congress and VIII Latin American Congress of Physical Education and Sciences also recommended putting on music while you do the exercises to motivate you to continue. 

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