Tips To Sweat Less

Excessive sweating is uncomfortable, but can be controlled. In this article we will give you the necessary tips so that you can reduce sweating taking into account the factors that cause it.

Excessive sweating can affect us at any time and place. It can appear hot or cold, if we are at home or in a meeting, alone or with someone … and it is quite annoying and uncomfortable. Therefore, in the following article we will give you some tips to sweat less.

When we perspire “more than necessary” the first thing we feel is shame and annoyance due to that circle of water that forms on our clothes, just below the armpits.

If, no matter how winter it is, you sweat a lot, we recommend that you pay attention to the following tips. Take note!

1. Reduce stress


Did you know that stress can play tricks on you if you are prone to excessive perspiration?

When we are stressed, we have a very important meeting or a first date, or if we are in a situation where emotional stress overwhelms us, we are more likely to sweat a lot. Therefore, we recommend that you try to calm down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly, and try to work on that tension.

A natural recipe that can help reduce stress and, as a consequence, excessive sweating is sage, valerian and horsetail tea.


  • 2 sage leaves
  • Water (250 grams)
  • Valerian root (10 grams)
  • Horsetail (10 grams)


  • In a saucepan place the water and heat.
  • When it comes to a boil add the sage leaves.
  • Add the valerian and horsetail.
  • Let it cook for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and let stand covered for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain and drink. You can sweeten with stevia or honey, but always in moderation.

2. Practice exercise

It is true that physical activity makes us sweat more. However, it is a good technique to eliminate accumulated toxins. In this way, you will be less likely to perspire “just because” in any other situation, such as when you are about to enter the boss’s office.

In addition, you will accustom the body to release fluids through the pores only before certain habits such as running, cycling or dancing.

3. Use a good antiperspirant


There are dozens of products on the market that can help you with your problem. The difference between antiperspirant and deodorant is that, as its name indicates, the former reduces or prevents excessive sweating.

We advise you to choose one that does not contain perfume and that in turn guarantees you greater protection for several hours. Apply it when you get up in the morning and after bathing always with very dry skin.

You should not only apply a product to the armpits but also to other parts of the body prone to perspiration, such as the feet. In that case, aerosol antiperspirants may be effective. If you don’t want to use a deodorant with chemicals, you can choose a fairly effective homemade one that also prevents bad odor.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 grams)


  • Squeeze the lemon.
  • In a container, place the bicarbonate and add the juice little by little.
  • Mix well until you get a kind of paste.
  • Apply to the armpits or feet before sleeping.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse with warm or cold water.
  • Repeat at least 3 times a week.

4. Pay attention to your diet

Believe it or not, there is a very close relationship between the food we eat and how much we perspire. To sweat less, it would be good to limit your intake of sugars, caffeine, spices and alcohol.

On the contrary, increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables that allow you to hydrate the body and also refresh you, especially in summer. Do not forget in turn to comply with the 2 liters of water daily.

5. Maintain a hygiene routine


If you sweat a lot in the armpits, feet or hands, we advise you to wash those areas several times a day using neutral soaps without perfume. These prevent irritation that can also cause perspiration. Remember that if the area has hairs, you will be more likely to perspire. Even men can cut them a bit to reduce heat and odor.

6. Wear appropriate clothing

Many times we make the mistake of wearing garments that increase perspiration. On the other hand, if you opt for those fabrics that absorb moisture, you will have a much better time. We recommend that you choose sportswear that is specifically designed for this. In addition you can wear cotton clothes or loose fabrics such as linen.

At the same time, we recommend that you wear “layered” clothing, that you choose the colors and patterns very well to help you hide perspiration.

7. Lose weight

Although it is not a necessary condition to perspire excessively, in many cases people who are overweight tend to sweat more. The truth is that the more fat there is in your body, the more difficult it will be to cool down and therefore more water will be excreted through the pores.

If you have trouble sweating less, do not hesitate to consult your doctor as soon as possible. Although it may not be a serious health problem, it is important to take care of it and give it the most appropriate solution.

Before trying home remedies on the skin, do a test on a specific part of the forearm and see how it reacts. It is important to proceed with caution to avoid adverse reactions.

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