What Are Foods Rich In Phytoestrogens?

Do you know what are the foods rich in phytoestrogens? These nutrients are capable of interfering with hormonal function and are beneficial for women, as their intake reduces the risk of classic menopausal pathologies, such as osteoporosis.

In recent years it has been shown that diet plays a fundamental role in promoting health. An adequate diet is capable of improving the functionality of the body and of guaranteeing the correct performance of all the systems that compose it. Therefore, knowing the composition to develop a meal plan is essential.

Soy is one of the foods richest in phytoestrogens

Soy is one of the most representative foods of the group of those that contain phytoestrogens. Specifically, soy is rich in isoflavones.

These substances are capable of reducing the risk of developing breast and even prostate cancer, according to research published in the journal  Cancer In addition, they contain protein inside, which allows to increase the dietary intake of this nutrient, helping to improve muscle function.

In women, the consumption of soy is recommended on a regular basis, while in men it is not recommended in a systematic way. According to the bacteria that live in the intestine, soy can be metabolized, generating a compound that is capable of reducing testosterone production.

For this reason, the incorporation into the daily diet must be controlled among men. In this way, a hormonal imbalance that affects, above all, muscle performance is prevented.

Soy rich in phytoestrogens

Seeds and phytoestrogens

The seeds are foods that also stand out for their content in phytoestrogens. In addition, they have lipids and proteins in their composition.

Among the fats that make them up, those of the unsaturated type stand out above all. These lipids, in particular omega 3 fatty acids, are capable of protecting the cardiovascular system thanks to their anti-inflammatory nature. According to the most recent scientific studies, regular consumption reduces the risk of heart attacks.

On the other hand, the seeds are rich in antioxidant phytonutrients. These substances help reduce the risk of developing complex diseases, thanks to their ability to modulate oxidation and inflammation.

The protective action focuses on reducing the production of free radicals, which positively affects the reduction of cellular DNA damage. This would slow down the natural aging of body tissues.

Alcohol contains phytoestrogens

Alcoholic beverages also increase estrogenic activity. However, while in the previous cases we talked about healthy foods, alcohol is part of the group of substances that must be avoided. Its consumption can increase the production of female hormones, but it also affects liver health with very negative consequences.

According to a study published in the journal Digestive Diseases alcohol consumption promotes the development of fatty liver and obesity. Both conditions deteriorate not only the gastrointestinal tract, but other systems.

As if that were not enough, alcohol is usually consumed with sugary drinks, which also has a negative impact on the pancreas. This puts stress on the organ that is forced to increase its production of insulin beyond its natural capacities.

In addition, introducing this substance regularly in the diet could affect fertility, both in men and women. Even during some stages of life its consumption is totally contraindicated, such as during pregnancy.

Phytoestrogens in the seeds

Foods with phytoestrogens can affect health

As we have seen, some foods in the diet have estrogenic activity, as they are rich in phytoestrogens. These substances can increase the production of female hormones, reducing the risk of developing certain pathologies. For this reason, its consumption on a regular basis is recommended.

However, the intake of some phytoestrogens is not always recommended in men. Depending on the profile of the microbiota, a series of metabolites could be generated from the consumption of soy isoflavones that interfere with the production of testosterone. For this reason, it is necessary to regulate their dietary intake in specific cases.

Finally, it should be noted that it is necessary to always avoid alcohol consumption, even when it is rich in this nutrient. Its negative effects are notorious and far outweigh the benefits. Alcohol increases the risk of developing obesity and suffering from liver problems, as well as reducing fertility.

In conclusion, a varied diet is always recommended when the goal is to improve personal health. It is necessary to provide the macronutrients and micronutrients that the body needs to successfully perform vital functions; This involves phytoestrogens from reliable, natural, and safe sources.

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