What Are The Benefits Of A Hand Massage?

You may not know it, but receiving a hand massage can be not only relaxing, but also beneficial for your health. Reflexology states that, in addition to improving mobility and circulation, the hands have multiple points that connect to various organs and parts of the body, which receive immediate relief.

Hand massage is not very complicated to perform and can have a restorative effect. You may never have considered it, but its virtues are so positive that it is worth experiencing the pleasure of receiving this type of massage. In this article, we invite you to know its benefits and how it is done.

Benefits of a hand massage

Joint pain can have a number of causes.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, in case of chronic arthritis in the hand, regularly massaging this area will help reduce pain and improve mobility.

However, people without arthritis can also benefit from a hand massage. So, if you usually use them to perform everyday tasks, either with the computer or for other manual tasks, and even if you usually have pain or cramps, this massage could be beneficial.

Studies confirm that massages generally improve circulation ; Likewise, other beliefs affirm that these prevent the nerves and tendons from being stiff and harmonize the mobility of the muscles. It also has the ability to relax the area.

If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, other research suggests that there is great relief after a massage. The friction massage, for example, would help to improve the range of motion, since in these sessions the fingers are slightly stretched.

According to reflexology, the hands have points of connection with different organs of the body. Thus, for example, the right hand is related to the liver, the small intestine, the stomach or the thyroid glands.

Instead, the left hand is associated with the brain, kidneys, and vertebrae, among other parts of the body. Then, by exerting pressure on different points of the hands, we could find relief in these areas.

How to give a hand massage?

Oil hand massage

The first thing is that you and another person learn these steps to be able to apply the massage to each other. Keep in mind that the indications that we will offer here do not come from a professional, but from traditional techniques that have spread popularly for their supposed effectiveness.

As we already said, if you suffer from pain, it is best that you put yourself in the hands of a doctor and, if he indicates it, that you go to a physical therapist, chiropractor or professional masseur.

To massage someone’s hands in a “non-professional” way, we must lean on a table and on a towel. The first step, of course, is to sit comfortably and hold the other person’s hand.

The second instruction is to put cream on your hand. We can use aloe vera cream (aloe vera) and apply it while we give a soft rub that goes from the wrist to the tips of the fingers. First we will do it gently, and then we will exert a little more pressure, but without doing damage.

Next, we must press and make small circles with the thumbs in the entire palm of the other person’s hand. It’s simple to do: press and circle with your thumb. Again, start off gently and follow with a little more pressure, but as always, pain-free.

Now, let’s move on to the fingers. Take the other person’s hand and, as you see in the drawing, massage your partner’s five fingers. Next, we must place both thumbs in the center of the other person’s hand. Go massaging at this point and applying pressure for five seconds; then loosen up.

After having massaged the central point of the hand, do the same but in the area of ​​the thumb. This area is usually the one that concentrates the most pain: it is the joint that is used the most and the one that is most overloaded. Do the same thing again: press for five seconds and then relax.

Joints, the finishing touch

Massage for the joints of the hands.

The last step is more complex, but effective. Look at the photograph: the objective is going to be to massage each joint of the fingers.

So, start from the bud and then work your way down the phalanx. Massage by exerting a little force without damaging; press for a few seconds and then relax. Do this exercise for two seconds.

Read: 5 exercises that won’t affect your joints

If the discomfort persists, don’t ignore it

If this technique works for you and you notice improvements, you can continue applying it when you consider it necessary. Do not forget to use a cream to apply the massage. You may see the benefits in the short term!

But as we warned before, if the discomfort persists over time and intensifies, consult a health professional as soon as possible.

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